
Debrand Telekom Speedport II (Huawei 593s-12)

I bought a used Telekom Speedport II for a vacation abroad just to realize that Telekom limited the functionality of the device heavily: They disabled roaming, thus I was not able to use the device. Since I was already on-site, I wanted to solve the problem and found no solution online. I am happy to […]


Ubuntu Server: Turn off Screen until Key is pressed

I’ve recently installed Ubuntu server on an old laptop to use it as a homeserver. Since I want to keep the power consumption as low as possible, I tried to disable the display after a certain period of inactivity. This was harder to establish than I have thought. Anyways, I have found a solution. Initially, […]


Build a statically linked Rsync for limited SSH Accounts

Let’s say, you have some cheap webhosting provider which told you, you would have access via SSH just to let you determine, that even rsync is not available. Well, here we go. You can create a build with statically linked libraries, which will hopefully work for you. Thanks to the source, I’ve used to compile […]


Expose Local Home Assistant Installation via Tailscale

I am currently setting up Home Assistant to prepare my new Smart Home. Since I do want to control HA via voice, I need to expose my local installation to the public internet. The guide explains clearly that the local installation must be available via HTTPS on port 443. And that is exactly, what I […]

Link Collection

2022-12 Link Collection

Diátaxis: A systematic framework for technical documentation authoring. A structured approach to document any kind of product. Basically, information is divided into four categories: I just wonder, if these categories might also be a good fit for a technical blog.

Link Collection

2022-11 Link Collection

Reasons you aren’t updating your personal site A nice summary why one might stop updating his or her site (discipline, in my case). Also contains some neat ideas how to collect new ideas (maintaining an ongoing list of ideas, asking interesting questions on twitter, etc.). There is also a separate headline for the techies who […]


Blog Manual

This is a reminder to myself, how I thought, I would setup and use this blog. Generally, it is about learning how to write in public. TIL: Today I learned I learned on HackerNews about TIL: Today I learned, which aims to be a simple summary of the things one learned without using up to […]

Startup Ideas

Accessible PDF Generator

Businesses within the EU are forced by law (European accessibility act) to provide accessible PDF files to their customers. Creating accessible PDF files is an complex and expensive task, thus, this service offers best practices, templates and API to convert templates into PDF files. At a later stage, docker images could be made available to […]